Over time, your bike frame will get scratches and chips in the paintwork. While painting your bike frame is a great way of refreshing the look of your bicycle, it can also prevent untreated paint chips from resulting in more serious damage to your bike. Unfortunately, many cyclists are unsure how much it costs to paint their bike’s frame.
Bicyclists can paint their bike frames by themselves for around $100, which includes the cost of:
- primer
- paint
- topcoat
- supplies
However, hiring a professional to paint your bike frame can cost anywhere between $200 and $1500, which depends on the type of bike and the desired paint job.
If you want to paint your bike frame, you’ll need to decide whether you want to paint it yourself or hire a professional to refresh your bicycle’s paint job. Luckily, we’ll break down each method’s costs in this article and help you decide which is the better option for your budget and needs.
How Much Does It Cost To Paint Your Bike Frame?
Painting your bike frame can cost anywhere from $100 to upwards of $1000. Ultimately, the method you use to paint your bike frame will determine the overall cost.
If you take a DIY approach, you can keep costs low by avoiding labor costs. However, hiring a professional will set you back even more, especially if you’re looking for a custom design.
Let’s break down the cost of each method!
DIY Bike Painting
Many bicyclists prefer to take a DIY approach when it comes down to painting their bike frames. Not only will your bicycle receive a facelift, but you can save a lot of money in the process. Generally, you’ll be able to paint your bike frame at home for approximately $100, which includes:
- supplies
- primer
- paint
It may be possible to paint your bike frame yourself for even cheaper, especially if you already have some of the supplies. However, the type of bike you’re painting will also determine how much it will cost. For instance, tandem bicycles will be more expensive to paint than single-rider bikes.
Let’s further break down the estimated $100 cost of painting your bike frame yourself!

High-quality paint primer (like this one on Amazon) for your bike will typically cost around $20.
Also known as the undercoat, the primer will be applied directly to your bike frame after you’ve sanded it down.
TIP: Primer is essential to the painting process as it enables your paint coats to adhere better to the bike’s frame.
Main Paint Coat
Your bike frame’s main paint coat will cost around $30. This coat is applied once the primer undercoat has dried and protects your bicycle’s frame from dents and scratches.
There are many great spray paint options, with some variants drying in under two hours.
Clear Paint Coat
Once your main paint coat has dried, you should apply a clear topcoat. Purchasing a high-quality topcoat (try this one sold on Amazon) for your bike frame will cost an estimated $30.
A clear coat ensures the main coat is protected from scratches and weather-related damage. This coat will also give your bike frame a glossy sheen.
Another $20 goes towards the remaining supplies to paint your bike frame. These supplies include:
- High-grit sandpaper is used for sanding the bike frame before applying the primer.
- Painter’s tape to cover the areas that don’t need to be painted.
NOTE: If you’re using spray paint, you won’t need other supplies to paint your bike.
If you’re using regular primer and metal paint, you’ll need to purchase a paintbrush to paint your bike frame. Cyclists can also use an HVLP sprayer (high-volume, low-pressure), like this one on Amazon, to paint their frames.
If you don’t own an HVLP sprayer, you’ll be able to purchase one online, like this one sold on Amazon, for as little as $50.

Professional Bike Painting
If you don’t want to paint your bike frame by yourself, you always have the option of a professional paint job. There are many great companies specializing in these services. However, you’ll need to pay for both labor and supplies when getting your bicycle frame professionally painted.
Like with painting your frame by yourself, the type of bike you have will impact the cost of getting your bike frame professionally painted. On average, most cyclists pay between $200 and $800 to have a professional paint their bike frame. However, for unique paint designs, the cost can be upwards of $1600.
The cost of having a bicycle frame professionally painted will be higher if you want to add extra colors and patterns. Carbon bikes will also cost more to paint than bike frames made from steel.
TIP: The larger your bike is, the higher the cost will be. If you’re considering a professional paint job, you’ll be able to compare quotations from different companies.
While it certainly costs more to get your bike frame professionally painted, you’ll be able to get a unique paint design that’s sure to turn heads. Ultimately, the higher the cost of a professional paint job, the more goes into painting and customizing the bike frame, like:
- time
- materials
- energy
Should I Paint My Bike Frame Myself Or Hire A Professional?
In the above section, we discussed the costs of painting a bike’s frame. As we explained, this will depend on whether you have your bike’s frame professionally painted or take a DIY approach. Since there are advantages to each approach, you might be struggling to decide which is the better option.
If you’re on a budget, a DIY approach is ideal. Cyclists can save money by ordering the supplies they need online and spending some time painting their bike’s frame. For roughly $100, you’ll be able to refresh your bike’s look and protect it from scratches and weather-related damage.
If you’re looking for a custom paint job, you’ll need to go to a professional. While it can cost as low as $200 to have your bike’s frame professionally painted, it can be as high as $1500 for custom designs.
FUN TIP: If you have a specific design for your bike’s frame in mind, why not let a professional bring your vision to life? Your bike’s custom paint job is sure to turn heads!

For around $100, cyclists can paint their bike frames themselves. This $100 cost includes the:
- primer
- spray paint
- topcoat
- supplies
Professionally painting your bike’s frame can cost between $200 and $1500. The cost of a professional or custom paint job will depend on the type of bike and the desired paint job.
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