Cycling can be the ideal way of staying fit and keeping healthy. If you’re a beginner, you might be daunted by the process. Thankfully, getting started doesn’t need to be difficult.
Let’s look at some of the things that you’ll need before you start riding including:
- bikes
- clothing
- accessories
- safety gear
- tools
A Bike
Obviously, the most important thing to purchase is a bike. Choosing the right one will allow you to ride in comfort. There are four factors to consider before making your choice:
- How you intend to use the bike.
- Which type of bike and which one will suit you best?
- Features you want the bike to have.
- How high the bike needs to be.
On this site, we’ve talked about finding the perfect bike. This article will go into more depth, making it easy to get the right bike.
Cycling Clothes
It’s important to make sure to have the right clothes for a comfortable ride. The good news is that there is a lot to choose from. Let’s look at some factors to consider.
First, find shorts that have plenty of padding. Spending a long time sitting on the saddle can cause pain and sores without the proper padding.
The next thing to look for is the type of fabric they are made from, which is usually a synthetic blend which helps:
- wick moisture
- keep cool
- prevent odors
It’s also important to consider what features are included. For example, many jerseys have pockets to safely store valuables. They also tend to offer sun protection.
Consider the color of the jersey. For riding on the road, find one that has reflective tape on it for visibility. Even if you’re riding on a track, reflective materials are an asset.
The most important thing is comfort, so it is a good idea to try on the jersey before you buy it.
Types of Cycling Jersey
Road Jerseys
Consider a road jersey for street riding for an aerodynamic fit without being too tight. There are a few types of road jerseys, depending on what conditions you will be facing.
An active jersey is the most common and is designed for comfort while riding, perfect for a casual ride.
A performance jersey is a little tighter for a more aerodynamic fit to ride faster. This makes it a great choice for training for a race.
Some jerseys are designed for bad weather and the colder winter months. However, for beginners, an active and performance jersey is enough to get you started.
Read more about the best cycling jerseys in my article here!
Mountain Bike Jerseys
To ride on off-road tracks, consider a mountain bike jersey. These typically aren’t as tight as a road bike jersey for more freedom of movement. There are a few types of jerseys, depending on the type of riding you want to do.
- Fitted cross-country jersey:
- resemble road jerseys
- designed to keep you cool
- ideal for a shorter ride without a backpack
- Trial jerseys:
- look like T-shirts
- designed for a longer ride
- looser fit
- breathable
- moisture wicking fabric
- Baggy jerseys:
- very loose
- built to be worn over the body armor
- long-sleeved for protection in an accident
When riding, it’s essential to focus on the road or track in front of you, which is difficult if the sun is in your eyes. There are a few types of sunglasses to consider.
- Mirrored lenses:
- perform best on sunny days
- block out glare
- Clear lenses:
- good for riding in low-light conditions
- protect eyes from dirt and debris
NOTE: In many cases, the lenses in bike glasses can be changed.
Other recommendations:
- Secure glasses with a strap like this one from Amazon.
- Choose glasses made from strong material.
- Ideally, the glasses should be shatterproof.
Consider a good pair of cycling gloves to:
- absorb excess moisture
- help keep a good grip on the handlebars
- lessen vibration impact
- keep hands warm in winter months
Wearing gloves is a personal decision. Some riders think that they can get a stronger grip on the handlebars without them.
TIP: Try riding with gloves to see if they work for you!
Cycling Shoes
The best way to put the maximum amount of force onto the pedals and stay comfortable when riding is to wear cycling shoes. Consider these things when picking out cycling shoes.
- Make sure that they have a good fit:
- cycling shoes come in half sizes for a perfect fit
- it’s best to visit a shoe store to try them on in person
- if shopping online, check the returns policy so they can be sent back if they don’t fit
- Get shoes with stiff soles:
- for more power with each stroke
- that doesn’t weigh down the shoe
- with good ventilation to prevent overheating
- The cleats are part of the shoe that attaches to the pedal:
- a road shoe has three cleats
- a mountain bike has two cleats
- use a mountain bike cleat with a road bike for riding and walking comfort
NOTE: For more detailed information about picking the right cycling shoe, check out my article here.
Body Protection
Mountain bikers will need to get body protection. When riding over uneven ground, the risk of serious injury from falling is reduced with adequate body protection.
The most important items for body protection are:
- glasses sold on Amazon
- knee pads sold on Amazon
- elbow pads sold on Amazon

Wear a helmet while riding to protect your head in the event of a crash. It’s one of the most important pieces of safety equipment for all types of cyclists.
- To pick the right helmet:
- make sure that it fits properly
- it shouldn’t move around when you ride
- shouldn’t be too tight
- try it in-store before you make your purchase
- Make sure that it meets the safety standards in your country:
- so it will be effective in an accident
- if the helmet cracks or is in an accident, replace it
- Pick a helmet that suits your style:
- they come in a wide range of colors
- find one you’ll love to wear
- get a decent one for your budget
TOP TIP: Helmets are one of the most important pieces of safety equipment you could have when it comes to cycling. Check out my article here, discussing how to choose the right helmet for your needs.
Bike Lights
Lights are an important safety feature, essential for riding on an overcast day or in low-light conditions. Make sure to get a good bike light with these tips.
- Consider what type of lights are needed:
- for riding during the day, use safety lights
- to ride at night use a more powerful light with a more advanced battery
- When purchasing lights, consider:
- the lumens are how bright they will be
- battery life and how the batteries get recharged
- if the batteries recharge with a USB
- How the light will be mounted to the bike:
- with a Velcro strip
- with a screw
- check that the mount is compatible with your bike
- Research government regulations:
- they can stipulate the type of lights used
- from how far away the lights will need to be for visibility
- failing to comply with these laws can result in a fine
EXAMPLE: Riding at night or in low-light conditions in the United States, a white light in front and a red light at the back of a bike are required.
Bicycle Bell
Another simple safety feature is a bell to ring so people know that you are coming. Depending on where you are cycling, these might be legal requirements.
Generally, a bike bell like this one on Amazon is very affordable and can be attached to a bike in just a few minutes.
Most casual riders like to use a saddlebag for storage. They can hold:
- snacks
- camera
- repair kit
- wallet
- keys
- extra clothing layers
When loading a saddlebag, make sure the weight is distributed evenly so the bike doesn’t lean to one side. Close the bag securely so valuables won’t fall out during the ride. In most cases, these bags are very easy to install using a bracket or Velcro straps.
Repair Kit
When driving a car, it’s common to travel with a spare tire in case one gets punctured. When you’re cycling, carry a repair kit like this one sold on Amazon. They are small and contain everything needed to repair a punctured tire.
It’s important to know how to use the repair kit, look for instructions included in the kit. However, the best option is often to use online video tutorials to step through the problem and show exactly how to solve it.
Also, consider carrying a multi-tool like this one sold on Amazon, they are a great way to have all the tools necessary without the need to carry a heavy tool bag. Pop it into the bottom of the saddlebag for easy access.
Another great idea is a CO2 bottle (Amazon link). These are very small and work with a pump that mounts to the bike frame. If you ever need to pump up the tires on your ride, this makes it simple.

Bike Lock
At the end of a ride, you might want to stop for a coffee before heading back home. After you’ve spent thousands picking and purchasing the perfect bike, prevent it from getting stolen by using a bike lock.
Try to get a light bike lock to carry in your bag without it weighing you down during the ride.
The amount of security depends on how long you want to leave the bike alone. The best option is U-lock or a chain lock, both sold on Amazon.
HOT TIP: Avoid a cable lock, as they tend to be the least secure.
Bicycle Pump
Make sure that your tires are prepared properly before riding to make pedaling a lot easier and get the best bike performance. A good pump is one of the most important pieces of equipment that bike owners will need.
Before pumping, check the PSI which tells you the pressure inside the tubes. Too much air can cause the tire to rupture. Tires come with a recommended PSI level, keep them within this range to function well and check them before every ride.
If the air is going in but the PSI isn’t rising, it could mean that there is a hole. To check, put the tire in water. If you see small air bubbles rising from the tire, there is a hole. Patch it for temporary repairs, but it will need to be replaced.
Mud Flaps
To ride in muddy conditions, use a mud flap for these reasons:
- it will keep the back of the bike relatively clean
- It can also stop the mud from flying onto your back, and weighing you down
- if riding in a group, it will prevent the other members from being splashed with mud by you
NOTE: In most cases, it is easy to fit a mud flap to your bike, and takes basic tools.
Hydration Pack
When riding, one of the biggest risks is dehydration, which can cause fatigue and focus issues. Races have regular hydration stations, but when riding alone be sure to bring hydration along.
Some people like to use a water bottle, but it requires a stop to undo the bottle and take a drink.
Many cyclists prefer a hydration pack like this one on Amazon, which stores a large amount of water on their back and can drink it while riding.
Make sure that the hydration pack:
- has enough storage
- is light
- feels comfortable.
Take care of yourself on long rides by meeting your nutritional needs, so you have the energy to complete the ride. It’s also important for your overall health.
To increase the amount of nutrition on a long ride, consider:
- a protein bar like these sold on Amazon
- healthy trail mix
- endurance gels like these on Amazon
Cycling Computer
A cycling computer (Amazon link) is a fun way to improve performance. There are a few reasons why you might want to consider getting one:
- it comes with a small programmable map
- useful for learning available routes
- to see how fast you are traveling
- know how much ground was covered
- improve performance
NOTE: This isn’t essential, but is a good tool to help meet your goals.

A Cycling Group
Finally, consider joining a cycling group, here are some perks:
- ideal for beginners
- provide encouragement and motivation
- help you learn more about local trails
- give tips and tricks to improve performance
HOT TIP: Cycling groups can also help you participate in local events, where you can test your skills against other riders.
To look for a cycling group in your local area:
- Try searching online.
- Talk to other local riders, to see if they know of any clubs that you can join.
- You might also want to check the owners of the cycling stores.
- If there isn’t a local club, you can band with a few other riders to start one!
Final Thoughts
Cycling is a great way to get fit and can also introduce you to a passionate community of people who help you grow your skills. One of the biggest benefits of this hobby is that you don’t need a lot of equipment.
We’ve looked at a few of the simple things to get before you start riding. So, get the gear you need today and enjoy hitting the trails on your bike!